11.   Andreychak knew he needed at least one more piece of solid evidence before he could think about bringing the case against Sharif to a grand jury.

12.   As yet, however, the program is too new to offer solid evidence to substantiate that claim.

13.   At that stage, the Justice Department would be required to decide whether it had enough solid evidence that a crime had been committed to warrant the independent prosecutor.

14.   But Belushi, and Candy, left behind solid evidence of their greatness.

15.   But as solid new evidence is mounting, that could change very soon.

16.   But if any of the theories is backed with solid evidence, it is not being made public.

17.   But it would be good to have solid evidence in hand.

18.   But it produced little solid evidence of general deterioration in care.

19.   Clinton made his remarks cautioning against drawing conclusions without solid evidence just hours after after his chief of staff, Leon Panetta.

20.   Dr. Dean Ornish, a Sausalito-based nutrition expert, for example, has won widespread acceptance of his theories by amassing solid scientific evidence.

a. + evidence >>共 460
new 8.46%
scientific 3.64%
further 3.57%
insufficient 3.55%
physical 3.36%
anecdotal 2.91%
sufficient 2.71%
hard 2.41%
clear 1.95%
strong 1.82%
solid 1.14%
solid + n. >>共 1460
gain 2.18%
performance 1.86%
evidence 1.84%
defense 1.74%
food 1.64%
ground 1.55%
support 1.45%
majority 1.38%
foundation 1.25%
growth 1.15%
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