11.   Charles Gargano, chairman of Empire State Development Corp., the state economic development arm, said the agreement paves the way for smooth operation of the park.

12.   Coelho says Panetta has melded a staff of youthful campaign loyalists, former academics and ex-business leaders into a smooth operation.

13.   For all the appearances of casual disorder, it is a fairly smooth operation.

14.   For California as a whole, he said smooth operations at refineries statewide have helped push gas prices a few cents lower, despite increased summertime demand.

15.   So far, he reports smooth operations and low cost.

16.   The parents were visibly upset with the fact that it had not been a perfectly smooth operation.

17.   The U.S. Treasury market is crucial to the smooth operation of all financial markets, and worried investors flock to securities backed by the government in times of adversity.

18.   With the perception of a smooth operation, some people here have been emboldened to challenge inhibitions on transporting chemical weapons.

19.   According to local businessmen , gas is urgently needed here in the face of shortage of electricity for smooth operation of the industrial units in the district.

20.   Commissioner for Transport Fanny Law Fan Chiu-fan on Sunday said members of the public should understand the urgency of ensuring a smooth operation to avoid any delay.

a. + operation >>共 1080
military 10.21%
peacekeeping 4.68%
special 2.08%
day-to-day 2.01%
joint 1.73%
international 1.64%
major 1.20%
new 1.11%
normal 1.00%
overseas 0.97%
smooth 0.16%
smooth + n. >>共 665
transition 11.03%
sailing 3.87%
ride 3.34%
surface 3.07%
paste 2.54%
relation 2.00%
running 1.56%
operation 1.29%
skin 1.25%
transfer 1.16%
每页显示:    共 29