11.   In Britain, a Catholic may still not serve as prime minister or sit upon the storied throne of Edward the Confessor.

12.   In some species, a male will sit upon a female for days after sex seeking to prevent her from having sex with his rivals.

13.   It is at moments such as this that we become almost shyly aware that shoulders we once sat upon or that gave us strength now need our support.

14.   Last March, I had virtually emptied the cookie jar to purchase the lodge and the peninsula upon which it sits.

15.   Nerve sweat, she called it, what you see on a willful horse that hates being bridled, saddled and sat upon.

16.   Now the car could be lowered from the blocks it sat upon all winter.

17.   Sitting upon it, the inmate was doused with water.

18.   Those of us who play Justify usually live in places that do not sit upon active seismic faults.

19.   Was left to sit upon his stone.

20.   A pair of high-backed bedroom chairs by Mackintosh, for example, are so delicate that they positively cry out against being sat upon.

v. + upon >>共 586
look 14.24%
decide 4.79%
touch 4.39%
impress 3.41%
look_down 2.53%
say 1.91%
gaze 1.82%
vote 1.55%
spit 1.24%
arrest 1.15%
sit 0.98%
sit + p. >>共 75
in 47.09%
at 13.60%
around 3.90%
behind 3.01%
in_front_of 2.61%
through 2.33%
atop 2.20%
beside 2.01%
outside 1.72%
by 1.72%
upon 0.15%
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