11.   Another overriding reality is that the European Union notwithstanding, Europe is not a single federalized entity like the United States.

12.   Another option that is mentioned is to sell or spin off the drug store units, which could fetch a much higher valuation as a single entity.

13.   As a single corporate entity, however, Airbus would be more responsible to shareholders and would have to compete by building cheaper airplanes.

14.   After eight shows a week for nearly four years, the players, like the character, at times merge into a single entity.

15.   Agreement depends on whether your pairing is intended to be seen as two separate items or a single entity.

16.   Bosnia itself would remain a single entity, in theory.

17.   But taken as individuals instead of a single monolithic entity, the Yankees are no less embraceable than the personnel on other teams.

18.   By integrating all divisions into a single entity, Garrison hopes to transform Ingalls into a single brand team.

19.   Diplomats are trying to give Izetbegovic political cover by saying Bosnia would remain a single entity.

20.   European regulators are casting a wary eye on the deal-making, especially on agreements that concentrate a lot of power in a single entity.

a. + entity >>共 468
separate 9.59%
new 7.65%
serb 5.93%
political 3.87%
single 3.65%
corporate 3.18%
the 3.10%
palestinian 3.05%
independent 2.92%
legal 2.71%
single + n. >>共 1203
currency 9.33%
mother 2.83%
day 1.46%
digit 1.43%
parent 1.29%
woman 1.11%
layer 1.01%
market 0.96%
shot 0.90%
run 0.90%
entity 0.38%
每页显示:    共 85