11.   At times they have displayed a siege mentality.

12.   Between medical reports, lawsuits and even more sin taxes, the cigarette industry has been under siege and, not surprisingly, has developed a siege mentality.

13.   But Brazil limited those chances by controlling possession and attacking patiently, rather than retreating onto defense with a siege mentality.

14.   But others wondered whether some colleagues had begun to exaggerate the menace of managed care as something of a siege mentality has taken hold of their profession.

15.   Convinced, not unreasonably, that his enemies are out to get him, Chubais has been operating with a siege mentality.

16.   Everything about the trial of Timothy McVeigh, the man accused of blowing up the federal building in Oklahoma City two years ago, suggests a siege mentality.

17.   Ham-handed officials repress dissent and plant informers, feeding the siege mentality in which paranoid plots flourish.

18.   In addition, successive budget cuts created a siege mentality.

19.   In line with typical siege mentality, many Iraqis today back Hussein as their only defender against Western-imposed privation and continued bombings.

20.   In the siege mentality that reigns at Chubais headquarters, the money might seem like a legitimate war chest.

n. + mentality >>共 216
siege 11.90%
bunker 6.58%
herd 5.82%
football 2.53%
pack 1.77%
victim 1.77%
war 1.52%
mob 1.52%
fortress 1.27%
survivalist 1.27%
siege + n. >>共 31
mentality 55.95%
force 3.57%
engine 2.38%
gun 2.38%
house 2.38%
line 2.38%
operation 2.38%
area 1.19%
atmosphere 1.19%
breaking 1.19%
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