11.   But he expressed confidence that his side would win, noting that up until voting day Hewlett will be traveling to meet with investors.

12.   But Ottawa might refuse to recognize Quebec as an independent nation, escpecially if the separatist side wins by a narrow margin.

13.   But the congressional side did not win a complete victory.

14.   Civilian deaths now help determine which side wins a decisive battle and, eventually, a war.

15.   Depending on which side wins, he will be the junior member of the original board or the senior member of the new one.

16.   Each side has won headline-grabbing victories against the other at the Geneva-based World Trade Organization.

17.   Eventually the anti-pants side won.

18.   Every time one side won an election, the other side picked up guns.

19.   Experienced negotiators know that bargaining should not be fought as a struggle in which one side wins and the other loses.

20.   Foy said he doubted either side would ever win in the strife between Protestants and Catholics.

n. + win >>共 952
team 10.86%
party 4.18%
candidate 2.84%
company 2.16%
player 1.81%
government 1.46%
side 1.24%
opposition 1.24%
woman 1.22%
man 1.15%
side + v. >>共 621
be 10.78%
agree 8.70%
say 4.54%
have 4.42%
meet 1.92%
accuse 1.86%
make 1.60%
claim 1.48%
discuss 1.48%
reach 1.40%
win 0.60%
每页显示:    共 136