11.   Other shareholders include a tree planting company and a transportation company, central bank officials said.

12.   Other shareholders include Novell Inc., Charles River Ventures, and Bessemer Ventures of Wellesley, Mass.

13.   Other shareholders include Commercial Union and Jupiter Asset Management.

14.   Other shareholders include Australian insurers AMP Society, National Mutual and government owned investment bank AIDC Ltd.

15.   Shareholders include golf legend Arnold Palmer and former San Francisco Giants owner Bob Lurie.

16.   Shareholders include Chairman Don Wright, Deborah Fletcher, widow of Roberds co-founder Kenneth Fletcher, Baskin and a handful of high-profile Dayton business executives.

17.   The band finally decided on ETM, whose principal shareholders include Philadelphia-based Fillmore Mercantile Inc., a private merchant banker.

18.   Other shareholders include PT Bangun Nusantara Persada and Kopindosat.

19.   Other shareholders include Thailand Securities Depository Co Ltd for foreign and local depositors.

20.   Its shareholders include two other major banks and the RKK Energiya company, which built and has run the Mir space station.

n. + include >>共 1161
package 1.87%
group 1.67%
list 1.51%
plan 1.49%
measure 1.18%
figure 1.13%
speaker 1.10%
symptom 1.06%
coverage 0.91%
dead 0.87%
shareholder 0.09%
shareholder + v. >>共 487
be 12.04%
approve 8.36%
have 5.61%
receive 4.65%
vote 4.47%
get 3.71%
say 3.26%
sue 1.75%
file 1.51%
sell 1.42%
include 1.18%
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