11.   Internal ETA documents leaked by police to the Spanish press say the separatists want to step up pressure for negotiations with the central government.

12.   Many in Moscow fear the separatists only want to strengthen their rule, and accuse them of violating the August truce by replacing pro-Moscow regional officials.

13.   Many in Moscow fear the separatists only want to strengthen their rule, not stopping at violating the August truce by replacing pro-Moscow regional officials.

14.   On the Indian side, separatists want the mostly Muslim region to either become independent or join Pakistan.

15.   On the Indian side, separatists want the mostly Muslim region to either become independent or join Pakistan, and say Pakistan should be involved in any peace talks.

16.   Separatists want it to be transitional, while Indonesia is offering East Timorese partial control of their affairs in exchange for international recognition of its sovereignty.

17.   Separatists want greater independence from the central government in Paris and more recognition of the local Corsican language.

18.   Some separatists want to break away completely and form their own nation, and they have been feuding with rival groups that contend Corsica must remain part of France.

19.   Separatists want autonomy to be transitional to full independence.

20.   Some Pakistan-based separatists want independence, others a merger with Pakistan.

n. + want >>共 751
people 6.41%
government 4.57%
company 3.72%
official 2.50%
group 1.94%
leader 1.46%
administration 1.41%
investor 1.24%
owner 1.21%
country 1.21%
separatist 0.13%
separatist + v. >>共 284
be 6.37%
say 4.94%
fight 4.19%
want 3.10%
demand 2.85%
claim 2.51%
win 2.43%
control 2.01%
attack 2.01%
have 1.76%
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