11.   Two soldiers have been sentenced to prison for their part in the killings of four student demonstrators that touched off the citywide rioting in mid-May.

12.   Under the law, people who send obscene e-mail messages with the intent to annoy can be sentenced to prison for up to two years.

13.   When he recently pardoned two journalists who had been sentenced to prison for libelling the foreign minister, he was hailed by the press union as their royal protector.

14.   A British couple has been sentenced to prison for attempting to smuggle ingested cocaine aboard a flight to London through Barbados.

15.   A husband and wife involved in testing a cancer drug have been sentenced to prison for falsifying results that helped the drug win federal approval.

16.   A husband and wife were sentenced to prison for torturing their son because he had an illness that made him vomit frequently.

17.   A man sentenced to prison for writing fantasies in his personal journal about torturing and molesting children cannot change his guilty plea, a judge ruled.

18.   A journalist sentenced to prison for distributing child pornography he claimed was part of his research lost a federal appeal Thursday.

19.   A Taiwanese politician, sentenced to prison for bilking a businessman, stabbed himself in the arm in the National Assembly Wednesday to dramatize his claims of innocence.

20.   A year ago, the priest was sentenced to prison for abuses committed in a different Kansas town.

v. + prison >>共 12
sentence 63.86%
return 19.28%
transfer 4.82%
head 2.41%
accord 1.20%
contribute 1.20%
go 1.20%
haul 1.20%
link 1.20%
recall 1.20%
sentence + v. >>共 41
die 36.36%
prison 17.85%
hang 13.13%
serve 5.39%
jail 5.39%
be 2.36%
spend 2.02%
time 1.68%
follow 1.68%
find 1.35%
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