11.   Robert T. Gibson is accused of sending an envelope containing a white powder and a note claiming the substance was anthrax to the Home Depot store in Frazer.

12.   That envelope was sent for testing to a U.S. facility in Ramstein, Germany.

13.   The envelope reportedly was sent from Malmo, the southwestern Swedish city from which a Danish neo-Nazi allegedly mailed three dummy letter-bombs in January.

14.   The envelopes were sent for tests at biological laboratories.

15.   The envelope was sent for testing to a U.S. facility in Ramstein, Germany.

16.   The envelope reportedly was sent from Malmo, the southwestern Swedish city from which a Danish neo-Nazi allegedly mailed three dummy letter-boms in January.

17.   The FBI and local law enforcement agencies were investigating who sent the envelopes.

18.   The latest explosives-stuffed envelope was sent to offices in Luebeck city hall of the Social Democratic Party.

19.   The report claimed the envelope had been sent for testing to a U.S. facility in Ramstein, Germany.

20.   Zepeda said he charged Lopez with sending the envelope to the embassy while Guardia was charged with obstructing justice, apparently for refusing to answer questions.

v. + envelope >>共 154
push 25.83%
open 12.11%
stuff 4.57%
address 3.34%
receive 3.21%
find 2.97%
send 2.60%
seal 2.22%
take 1.98%
hand 1.48%
send + n. >>共 860
letter 6.46%
message 5.50%
troop 4.53%
signal 2.04%
e-mail 1.77%
child 1.77%
money 1.47%
team 1.19%
price 1.19%
representative 1.07%
envelope 0.07%
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