11.   British Agriculture Minister Douglas Hogg said Wednesday that Britain would not make any major changes to its existing proposals for a selective cull of BSE-tainted herds.

12.   But the new evidence caused Britain to suspend a selective cull of its beef herd.

13.   But the EU is also pushing for a selective cull of BSE-infected herds.

14.   The selective cull was agreed by Prime Minister John Major and other European heads of government at a summit in Florence last June.

15.   The selective cull would be subject to parliamentary approval, as would new legislation to criminalise the possession of banned feedstuffs.

16.   The selective cull, which has been criticized by farmers, angry about having to slaughter their prime cattle, must first secure parliamentary approval.

17.   The Ulster farmers union said last week that it would seek to fund its own slaughter to satisfy the EU if the government opted to shelve the selective cull.

18.   London had also insisted going into the meeting that the selective cull on the table was the most extensive programme it could hope to win parliamentary approval for.

19.   Major indicated that the selective cull would go ahead in the hope of winning regional exemptions from the export ban.

20.   Other EU governments however have made it clear that they regard the selective cull as an integral part of the Florence agreement.

a. + cull >>共 29
selective 41.18%
planned 5.88%
drastic 4.41%
annual 2.94%
mass 2.94%
massive 2.94%
new 2.94%
pre-emptive 2.94%
such 2.94%
territory-wide 2.94%
selective + n. >>共 328
breeding 3.25%
memory 3.25%
cull 3.14%
slaughter 3.03%
disclosure 2.81%
school 2.58%
prosecution 2.36%
use 2.24%
enforcement 2.13%
college 2.02%
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