11.   But many scientists predicted court fights with Geron, which they said might slow progress.

12.   But, they say, it may lead to information allowing scientists to predict which emerging flu strains are especially dangerous.

13.   Climatic zones would shift away from the poles, the scientists predict.

14.   Even though the new study was carried out in a grassland, some scientists predict that the result will apply to ecosystems as different as forests and agricultural fields.

15.   For years, scientists had predicted that such lone stars should exist out between galaxies, perhaps in large number but scattered and beyond easy detection.

16.   In those early days, many scientists predicted that with the ban on meat parts in feed, the number of cases would be declining by now.

17.   In that field, too, scientists predicted too much too soon.

18.   It is a phenomenon scientists had predicted, but had never been able to observe so clearly.

19.   It is impossible to know what will be left of Montserrat once, as scientists predict, the volcano calms down.

20.   One hurdle remaining in the process is that scientists cannot yet predict which embryos will develop into high producers of the protein-laden milk.

n. + predict >>共 650
analyst 19.92%
expert 7.23%
official 6.54%
economist 5.40%
forecaster 4.35%
observer 2.34%
poll 1.61%
leader 1.46%
report 1.41%
executive 1.22%
scientist 1.11%
scientist + v. >>共 535
say 14.78%
be 6.96%
believe 4.75%
find 2.95%
have 2.51%
know 2.46%
use 1.83%
hope 1.75%
try 1.60%
think 1.53%
predict 0.52%
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