11.   Two years passed with scant progress.

12.   But peace talks launched by President Andres Pastrana are making scant progress.

13.   Envoys from seven Western powers and Russia held fresh talks on a Kosovo peace plan Friday but made scant progress during four hours of discussions, delegates said.

14.   Four rounds of talks under the supervision of former U.S. Labor Secretary W.J. Usery, appointed in mid-October by the Clinton administration, produced scant progress.

15.   Four rounds of talks under the supervision of former Labor Secretary W.J. Usery, appointed in mid-October by the Clinton administration, produced scant progress.

16.   However, Frowick said there was scant progress on the war crimes issue on the Bosnian Serb side, where most of the suspects are.

17.   Meanwhile, envoys from the seven top industrialized nations and Russia held fresh talks in Germany on a Kosovo peace plan Friday, but reportedly made scant progress.

18.   Scant progress is being reported in contract talks to return thousands of striking phone technicians and operators for Verizon Communications to work.

19.   Talks resumed in mid-October under the supervision of former Labor Secretary W.J. Usery, but four rounds of sessions produced scant progress.

20.   The sudden, unexpected flood of refugees, he knew, might erase scant progress in this fragile nation.

a. + progress >>共 567
significant 7.65%
slow 5.25%
economic 4.63%
real 4.39%
substantial 4.24%
good 4.12%
further 2.68%
steady 2.54%
rapid 2.35%
concrete 2.01%
scant 0.58%
scant + n. >>共 324
attention 12.62%
evidence 8.33%
hope 2.49%
support 2.32%
interest 2.23%
information 2.23%
detail 2.06%
progress 2.06%
chance 1.89%
regard 1.63%
每页显示:    共 24