11.   Organ recipients and relatives of the donor typically learn scant details about each other.

12.   There are scant details about the Mansbergers.

13.   Though delegates could muster scant details about her life, many felt they knew her, just as they knew all the Kennedys.

14.   Union Pacific gave scant details of its spinoff plan.

15.   Other U.S. officials said they had scant details on how the Chinese looked into the matter, so could not pass judgment on it.

16.   China and the EU have provided scant details of their negotiations.

17.   Crash details still scant.

18.   He wistfully recalled the Camp David talks in July, but provided only scant detail about his phone conversations Tuesday with Mideast leaders.

19.   It provided scant detail, but said angry crowds threw stones that shattered windows.

20.   Negotiators gave scant detail of the content of the talks.

a. + detail >>共 488
further 35.62%
no 6.21%
financial 3.42%
final 2.80%
immediate 2.71%
additional 2.37%
new 2.00%
full 1.69%
any 1.61%
specific 1.54%
scant 0.20%
scant + n. >>共 324
attention 12.62%
evidence 8.33%
hope 2.49%
support 2.32%
interest 2.23%
information 2.23%
detail 2.06%
progress 2.06%
chance 1.89%
regard 1.63%
每页显示:    共 24