11.   Ms. Polacheck said surveys of AARP members found many were unaware of the conflicts that commission-earning brokers and advisers might have.

12.   Ms. Vaid said the survey found a growing disparity between Republican opposition to gay rights and more supportive attitudes among Democrats and independents.

13.   Owners of high-end SUVs most want extreme extras such as adaptive cruise control and proximity sensors, the survey said.

14.   Researchers also ruled out drought as a cause of the drastically lower numbers of frogs and toads, saying both surveys had been done after lengthy dry periods.

15.   Taiwan and South Korea were close behind, said the survey, conducted for Transparency International by the Gallup International Association.

16.   While manufacturers reported that business activity grew at a slower rate than prior months in the region, service sector growth picked up, the survey said.

17.   Wildrick said surveys showed that customers liked the idea but often found that promised merchandise was not available.

18.   A decrease in housing activity after the government ends a generous increase in subsidies for people buying their first home would also affect the economy, the survey said.

19.   Although it will be difficult, the United States must find a way to insist on intrusive inspections without the cudgel of sanctions, the survey said.

20.   Fortuyn, known for his anti-immigrant views, gained one percent compared with a poll the previous week, said the survey by the Dutch research institute NIPO.

v. + survey >>共 219
conduct 30.09%
do 6.05%
release 4.66%
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take 3.41%
complete 2.78%
say 2.43%
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find 2.29%
cite 2.02%
say + n. >>共 862
official 10.72%
police 6.88%
spokesman 3.72%
no 3.22%
analyst 2.66%
report 2.47%
source 2.45%
trader 1.74%
goodbye 1.60%
thing 1.27%
survey 0.06%
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