11.   Bush administration officials said the president and the crown prince had discussed holding an international peace conference but did not come to a conclusion.

12.   Brokers say board presidents or managing agents will usually tell them right away if the parental purchase is a problem.

13.   Bush said the president and the governors discussed whether the federal government should kick in more money for the special education programs it mandates.

14.   But Joseph Cammarata, a lawyer for Ms. Jones, said the president and other witnesses would soon be interviewed.

15.   China stifles dissent, supplies weapons components to rogue states and does not adhere to international trading regimes, the president said.

16.   Chief Judge John W. Lungstrum of the U.S. District Court in Kansas said the president and senators deserved praise for choosing Robinson.

17.   Crossing an explosive ethical boundary, Advanced Cell Technology in Worcester has started an unprecedented program to clone and harvest human cells, the company president said Thursday.

18.   Dole said the president and the Democrats have received millions of dollars in campaign contributions from the trial lawyers and their lobbies.

19.   Family Education Network, based in Boston, aims at parents of school-age children, says president Jonathan Carson, and encourages activism.

20.   For those reasons, the president said, if at all possible he is not going to prop up the dollar.

v. + president >>共 850
elect 5.38%
include 3.21%
accuse 2.88%
impeach 2.66%
meet 2.47%
say 2.29%
choose 2.16%
see 1.90%
remove 1.77%
criticize 1.67%
say + n. >>共 862
official 10.72%
police 6.88%
spokesman 3.72%
no 3.22%
analyst 2.66%
report 2.47%
source 2.45%
trader 1.74%
goodbye 1.60%
thing 1.27%
president 0.24%
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