11.   Democrats on the committee, while saying they had concerns about the mission, largely praised the administration for leading the peace effort in Bosnia.

12.   However, Bildt warned against a prolonged presence by outside military forces, saying they could have a negative effect on Bosnian society in the long-term.

13.   Karmazin, while saying he had no intention of leaving, was more measured in his comments.

14.   Santorum continued later, saying people have the right to get health care, but nothing is guaranteed.

15.   Saying he had no specific information on Attleboro, Shevlin said there are at least two typical scenarios that lead to such explosions.

16.   Saying less has a long history in US-Saudi relations.

17.   She said that a day or two before vanishing, her niece had left a message on her answering machine saying she had big news.

18.   Sen. Mark Hatfield, R-Ore., missed the vote on the Iraq resolution but issued a statement yesterday saying he had grave misgivings about the Clinton policy.

19.   Something that some of the more uneasy members of the San Diego community might have said they had coming to them.

20.   The Russian president then walked out of the summit early, saying he had to get back to Moscow to deal with the Chechnya situation.

v. + have >>共 788
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be 36.93%
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