11.   But the court said forcing Kobayashi to undergo the kendo training made him choose between his religion and an education, violating the Education Law.

12.   But opponents say forcing small business owners to pay their workers a higher wage will be too much of a drain.

13.   He and his family began collecting bribes when Chu grew anxious that he would lose everything if forced to retire, the article said.

14.   It said forcing addicts to undergo treatment and drug testing could help break the link between addiction and crime.

15.   Many said that forced them to express their opposition through street protests.

16.   They said forcing him to defect to a third country to become a free agent could jeopardize that prospect.

v. + force >>共 157
resort 8.81%
sue 6.82%
use 6.25%
say 4.55%
impose 3.13%
court 3.13%
rally 2.84%
be 2.27%
launch 2.27%
do 1.70%
say + v. >>共 875
be 17.85%
have 2.67%
fight 2.22%
quote 1.92%
make 1.90%
allow 1.52%
unite 1.45%
find 1.42%
add 1.35%
follow 1.17%
force 0.40%
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