11.   In return, Russian specialists will participate in research conducted on the reactors.

12.   Lukoil officials long have expressed interest in Tengiz, a field first developed by Russian specialists in the Soviet era.

13.   Novaya Gazeta said that Russian specialists found the human remains between the top portion and the body of one segment of the destroyed submarine.

14.   Russian specialists in the Atlanta area are enthusiastic about the exhibit.

15.   Russian specialists are due here next week and Rumsfeld and Assistant Secretary of State John Bolton will go to Moscow for parallel talks in late August.

16.   Russian specialists are due here next week and Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld will go to Moscow for parallel talks in late August.

17.   U.S. historian and Russian specialist Stephen F. Cohen echoed that opinion, saying Gorbachev was unlikely to stand a real chance.

18.   However, some experts have stressed that the post-operative phase is also crucial, and that Russian specialist facilities are generally below the standard of comparable western institutions.

19.   A group of Russian specialists is travelling to India to discuss the issue, he said.

20.   Diachenko, who was close to her father during the hard-fought election campaign, stated that the upcoming operation would be carried out by Russian specialists.

a. + specialist >>共 544
medical 7.31%
defensive 3.91%
legal 3.51%
forensic 3.45%
back 2.53%
return 1.96%
military 1.90%
marketing 1.67%
russian 1.44%
financial 1.38%
russian + n. >>共 781
troop 7.11%
official 5.60%
force 4.03%
government 3.40%
soldier 2.60%
authority 1.66%
leader 1.57%
television 1.48%
military 1.32%
army 1.05%
specialist 0.05%
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