11.   Michelle Scully, who was wounded in the deadly rampage and whose husband, John, was killed, said the ruling was a tremendous victory.

12.   Of more profound importance, however, is what the ruling says about congressional authority over the states.

13.   One officer then beat Amado in his cell, but he was not the man convicted of murder, the ruling says.

14.   Other rulings have said that telephone companies cannot be held responsible for the content of conversations they carry.

15.   She said the government ruling did say it would award two licenses for a rival technology, video-on-demand, at the end of the year.

16.   Such detention is unreasonable, the ruling says, deciding a case brought by immigrants who are in a limbo and can not be deported.

17.   That ruling said Microsoft broke antitrust laws by combining, or tying, its Internet Explorer browser with its Windows operating system.

18.   That ruling said that judges, rather than juries, should decide the meaning of words or phrases within a patent that are ambiguous.

19.   That, in turn, hurt consumers by limiting choices, the ruling said.

20.   The appeals court ruling said the state had offered no evidence that it had discriminated in the past against women and minority groups.

n. + say >>共 480
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