11.   After the room became deathly quiet, he sternly added that if any of his players ever did what the Viking did they would be out the door.

12.   Brian counters every objection with ever-more-fanciful solutions until his room becomes a starry, open-air haven with mushrooms and moss for his little friend.

13.   Even if the rooms become available, they may not be immediately suitable for the tourist trade.

14.   Hotel rooms have become scarce, and in those nearest the scene, rumpled reporters share elevators with uniformed law enforcement agents and the occasional business traveler.

15.   I was traveling so much that I allowed those two rooms to become nothing more than a closet.

16.   If the room becomes too warm, the tree will emerge from dormancy.

17.   Later, as the number of microfilm machines and garish yellow chairs multiplied, the room became dowdy.

18.   Maxine Odell, spokeswoman for the Kansas City Convention and Visitors Bureau, said rooms were becoming available as people whose electricity had been restored canceled their reservations.

19.   Often called the Great Room, the large multipurpose room has become a strong trend in recent years because it makes sense with our busy lives.

20.   Once everyone is served, the room becomes silent.

n. + become >>共 1789
people 1.19%
company 1.07%
issue 0.77%
bill 0.69%
game 0.65%
situation 0.62%
woman 0.61%
life 0.60%
country 0.58%
child 0.56%
room 0.12%
room + v. >>共 387
be 61.90%
have 9.18%
look 1.08%
become 1.02%
seem 0.84%
contain 0.80%
go 0.75%
come 0.64%
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