11.   The opposition parties charge May-July legislative elections were rigged to favor candidates allied to Aristide, who they claim is plotting to return Haiti to dictatorship.

12.   The move had been widely expected, and has already generated criticism among opposition leaders that the bidding may be rigged to favor a wealthy Argentine magnate.

v. + favor >>共 50
return 12.50%
rig 12.50%
be 8.33%
draw 4.17%
weight 4.17%
pass 3.13%
say 3.13%
beat 2.08%
include 2.08%
redraw 2.08%
rig + v. >>共 49
favor 15.19%
explode 11.39%
ensure 5.06%
keep 3.80%
detonate 2.53%
look 2.53%
exclude 2.53%
eliminate 2.53%
make 2.53%
support 2.53%
每页显示:    共 12