11.   Many riders say helmets take the fun out of motorcycles and the choice should be left to the individual.

12.   Many riders say they like racing in Atlanta but feel that the course is too easy.

13.   Most riders said they believed the ferries were much safer than driving to work.

14.   Other riders said a more experienced horseman might have reacted differently when his mount balked at a three-foot jump.

15.   Other trains in the station were evacuated after about an hour, some riders said.

16.   Recumbent riders say spills are less severe, with riders falling sideways instead of forward and over the handlebars.

17.   Recumbent riders say the comfort factor is so high they can easily knock off greater distances than on a traditional upright bike.

18.   Rider said he planned to meet with NBA officials Sunday evening.

19.   Rider said he was ready to go to work because both men had allayed his fears.

20.   Rider said previously he would like to return to the Lakers next season.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
police 6.16%
analyst 4.36%
report 3.78%
source 3.33%
spokesman 3.05%
company 2.65%
expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
rider 0.01%
rider + v. >>共 450
be 12.60%
have 5.28%
say 3.73%
take 2.30%
wear 2.03%
go 1.76%
come 1.42%
get 1.08%
use 1.08%
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