11.   The tiny balls, which purportedly contain ground-up rhino horn, are supposed to be dissolved in hot water and drunk.

12.   This medicine, which supposedly contains herbs and ground-up rhino horn, is commonly used to help people who have high fevers or have suffered a stroke.

13.   Alarmed, conservationists put pressure on range countries and importers of rhino horn.

14.   But Magnus Malan, who headed the military at the time, denied that South African soldiers ever killed elephants to obtain ivory or traded in rhino horn.

15.   Despite widespread belief, rhino horn is not used as an aphrodisiac in Asia, Martin said.

16.   Environmentalists praised Yemen on Tuesday for agreeing to take steps to fight illegal imports of rhino horn.

17.   He said rhino horn was always off-limits, and he was unaware of South African soldiers killing elephants to obtain ivory to sell.

18.   In east Asia, substitutes for rhino horn are being used as medicine.

19.   More recently, plastic and semiprecious stones such as agate have been used, replacing the highly valued multihued, translucent rhino horn.

20.   Rhino horn has traditionally been used in crafting dagger handles in the Middle East and as an aphrodisiac and oriental medicine in Asia.

n. + horn >>共 78
car 41.54%
air 8.71%
rhino 8.21%
rhinoceros 4.48%
fog 2.74%
bull 2.74%
saddle 1.99%
goat 1.74%
taxi 1.49%
buffalo 1.24%
rhino + n. >>共 36
horn 37.93%
population 10.34%
product 4.60%
species 3.45%
trade 3.45%
number 2.30%
trophy 2.30%
poacher 2.30%
skull 2.30%
calf 1.15%
每页显示:    共 33