11.   If that threshold is not met, then the revised offer does not stand.

12.   It followed equally great concessions made by the EU in its revised offer yesterday.

13.   Montgomery Ward Holding Corp. said it rejected a revised offer from HFS Inc. for its Signature Group direct-marketing unit because it was too low.

14.   Meanwhile, Northwest, which was advised by Credit Suisse First Boston, proposed a revised offer that did not require immediate approval of its pilots.

15.   More offers may follow, analysts said, including a revised offer from BPB.

16.   Pennzoil earlier this week had requested that the hearing, originally scheduled for Wednesday, be delayed or canceled to give its board time to review the revised offer.

17.   Pennzoil also rejected the revised offer.

18.   Pennzoil said its board needed time to consider the revised offer.

19.   Qwest planned to make its revised offer the next morning.

20.   Qwest was also planning to make revised offers that were more palatable, but exactly how was up in the air.

a. + offer >>共 776
new 5.85%
tender 4.95%
takeover 2.87%
better 2.74%
latest 2.44%
formal 2.32%
special 2.10%
higher 2.08%
similar 2.08%
final 2.02%
revised 1.00%
revised + n. >>共 403
version 6.01%
plan 5.29%
figure 3.85%
bill 3.25%
proposal 3.19%
law 3.06%
offer 3.00%
estimate 2.88%
forecast 2.34%
budget 1.86%
每页显示:    共 50