11.   The resolution condemned the South Asian tests and urged India and Pakistan to halt deployment of missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads and to sign nuclear arms control treaties.

12.   The resolution condemns Iraq for its expulsion order and demands it be rescinded immediately and unconditionally.

13.   The resolution condemns Iraq for its order and demands it be rescinded immediately and unconditionally.

14.   The resolution reportedly also condemns the U.S. attack, though the precise wording was unavailable because the meetings are confidential and no transcript was released to the media.

15.   The resolution would condemn the proposed expansion and also criticize Israel for building Jewish settlements in disputed areas.

16.   The resolution also condemned discrimination against religious minorities and ethnic groups, and expressed concern about attacks against freedom of expression.

17.   The resolution also condemned discrimination against religious minorities like Bahais, Jews, Christians and Sunni Muslims and ethnic groups such as the Kurds.

18.   The resolution also condemned two recent dynamite attacks against Colombian newspaper offices.

19.   The resolution also condemns the downing of the two aircraft and demands that UNITA leader Jonas Savimbi cooperate immediately with a search and rescue mission and an investigation.

20.   The resolution also condemns the downing of the two aircraft and demands that UNITA leader Jonas Savimbi cooperate immediately with a search and rescue mission and investigation.

n. + condemn >>共 342
government 9.82%
group 9.58%
leader 9.27%
official 5.49%
party 1.95%
report 1.77%
leadership 1.71%
politician 1.71%
resolution 1.65%
country 1.46%
resolution + v. >>共 352
be 21.14%
call 8.05%
say 3.51%
have 2.43%
authorize 2.34%
demand 2.29%
come 2.16%
require 2.11%
urge 1.98%
give 1.84%
condemn 1.21%
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