11.   The resolution must allow for the lifting of the embargo on Bosnia next spring without actually setting a deadline for the lifting to go into effect automatically.

12.   The resolution would also allow eight harness and thoroughbred horse-racing tracks around the state to have slot machines and video gambling.

13.   The resolution would allow casinos in designated areas of the state, including Niagara Falls and the Catskills, but not in New York City or Long Island.

14.   The resolution would also allow eight harness and thoroughbred horse racing tracks around the state to have slot machines and video gambling.

15.   The resolution allows use of force against terrorists and any nation that harbors them.

16.   Perng Fai-nan told reporters the resolution would allow the island to help other countries in need of capital.

17.   Christopher noted that Security Council sanctions resolutions allow Iraq to sell some of its oil and use the proceeds for food and medicines for humanitarian purposes.

18.   The resolution specifically allowed NATO to target the Udbina airfield.

19.   The resolution allows Iraq to resume oil sales only after Boutros-Ghali tells the Security Council that U.N. arrangements to monitor the plan are in place.

20.   The resolution allows for a change in the timetable under which Iraq makes the sales.

n. + allow >>共 1353
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official 1.16%
resolution 0.17%
resolution + v. >>共 352
be 21.14%
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come 2.16%
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urge 1.98%
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