11.   Already, some researchers say there are signs that complacency is seeping into the population of people who are most susceptible to HIV infection.

12.   Along with a set point for well-being, people also have typical ranges of ups and downs, researchers say.

13.   Although short-term memory weakens with age, a few training sessions in memory skills can bolster the memories of the elderly, the researchers said.

14.   Also under investigation as a possible cause is the use of hormones like testosterone and short-term steroids, as well as cholesterol-lowering drugs, the researchers said.

15.   Also, the researchers said, the new drugs may cause fewer bleeding complications, are more easily used by the body and last longer.

16.   Also, the researchers said, SI cover appearances probably make players try harder to do well to justify further media attention.

17.   Although a precise measurement of what each child consumed was not made, the researchers said their calculations provided a reasonable estimate of individual energy intake within the families.

18.   American researchers say that only a chimp genome project will tell us which genes make us human.

19.   American servicemen unwittingly used as guinea pigs in atomic bomb testing have bequeathed their grandchildren an unwanted legacy -- mental retardation, a researcher says.

20.   Although mammograms in women this young could theoretically increase cancer risk, the researchers say, the benefits may outweigh the risks.

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