11.   Besides performance fees they would earn for their participation, they will receive rental income from the halls that would otherwise be dark during the summer.

12.   A levy can be placed on a salary, bank accounts, rental income, or other property, said IRS spokeswoman Peggy Riley.

13.   But other administration officials said Cedras had insisted that he would need the rental income from his property to afford a life in exile.

14.   California, for example, allows credit unions to invest in foreign bonds, while Alabama permits real estate investments for rental income.

15.   Cash flows from consumer loans, credit card debt, office rental income or anything else that generates regular payment streams can be securitized to sell bonds.

16.   Commercial land prices fell as declining office rental income reduced the value of the properties as well.

17.   Coverdell argues the fees are no different than book royalties, rental income and other publicly disclosed outside income.

18.   Former Sen. Sam Nunn, D-Ga., routinely accepted honoraria for speeches before they were banned and earned rental income from his Perry, Ga., farm.

19.   Giuliani also would cut taxes for condominium owners and on commercial real estate rental income.

20.   I have a fairly simple standard of living and believe I will be able to live quite contentedly on my Social Security plus rental income.

n. + income >>共 270
interest 13.58%
investment 10.93%
retirement 5.97%
rental 5.16%
fee 5.09%
farm 4.68%
premium 2.78%
commission 2.04%
year 2.04%
dividend 2.04%
rental + n. >>共 282
car 18.17%
company 9.84%
agency 4.76%
property 3.53%
business 3.29%
income 3.01%
rate 2.86%
store 2.58%
truck 2.46%
market 2.30%
每页显示:    共 76