11.   The oil companies said renouncing the claims would jeopardize them financially as they prepare for increased competition.

12.   They have to renounce claims to free agents Jeff Sheppard and Mark West.

13.   Under a deregulation law passed last month, the Department of Energy was mandated to ask the three domestic oil companies to renounce claims against the fund.

14.   Under its terms, Bonaparte abdicated, renounced his claim to conquered lands and was sent into exile on the tiny island of Elba.

15.   When she left Kharkov, she signed papers renouncing all claim to her home there.

16.   But Menem wrote in the Argentine newspaper Clarin on Friday that his country has not renounced claim to the islands.

17.   During the Cairo talks, Aidid made a major concession by renouncing his claim to the interim presidency and settling for the position of prime minister.

18.   Greece has said he can return to the country if he renounces his claim to the throne.

19.   He renounced any claim to the throne, but never lost his desire to see his beloved homeland again.

20.   However, it was reported Wednesday that the Heat were considering renouncing their claim to Howard.

v. + claim >>共 374
deny 10.94%
make 7.99%
reject 5.19%
file 4.12%
dismiss 3.89%
support 3.63%
stake 3.05%
investigate 2.88%
dispute 2.50%
have 2.49%
renounce 0.36%
renounce + n. >>共 237
violence 22.52%
use 8.00%
terrorism 6.83%
right 5.44%
citizenship 4.27%
claim 3.95%
membership 1.17%
treaty 1.07%
support 1.07%
war 1.07%
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