11.   He developed and implemented a remedial education program.

12.   He also worked hard to phase out remedial education at the City University.

13.   In the meantime, we might ask why it is that the schools are doing remedial education in even the earliest grades.

14.   In other words, investing in small classes early can be a preventive measure against future academic failure and the need for remedial education.

15.   It also comes just four months before new rules go into effect at the state colleges and UMass limiting remedial education and raising admissions standards.

16.   Like many of his colleagues in college remedial education, Harley Anton tells his best stories one student at a time.

17.   Olivas argues that remedial education is the very thing community colleges were created to do -- provide an education to anyone who wants one.

18.   Public education advocates who are fighting against congressional plans to cut remedial education funding point to the military prep schools for proof that money and effort can buy results.

19.   Taxpayers will now be forced to support remedial education in religious schools.

20.   Texas college spending on remedial education has nearly quadrupled in the past six years, prompting new concern about just how much students are learning in public schools.

a. + education >>共 905
public 13.25%
bilingual 5.50%
state 3.03%
formal 2.74%
good 2.45%
religious 2.30%
federal 2.17%
adult 1.83%
free 1.70%
better 1.65%
remedial 0.51%
remedial + n. >>共 94
course 13.64%
work 10.91%
class 10.36%
action 10.00%
program 8.73%
education 6.18%
measure 4.55%
help 3.64%
instruction 2.36%
training 1.82%
每页显示:    共 34