11.   City officials said hydrochloric acid was leaking in the tunnel, but they did not believe toxic chemicals had been released into the air.

12.   Contact can release chemicals from certain plants, for instance, that can attract or repel insects.

13.   Doctors and chemists consulted in Japan and in the United States noted that a single sample is often not reliable, because chemicals can be released irregularly.

14.   Each cubic inch contains millions of bacteria, many of which release chemicals to help them compete in the overpopulated environment.

15.   However, this production of IgE triggers our immune cells to release chemicals, one of which is histamine.

16.   If a bee does sting you, scrape off the stinger rather than plucking it, which releases the chemical which causes swelling.

17.   In New York City, dry cleaners routinely occupy space in residential buildings, and almost as routinely end up releasing toxic chemicals into the apartments above.

18.   Long jaws with pincers on the end are to keep held at distance prey that fight back or release noxious chemicals.

19.   One of the objectives of designing a green building is to avoid using carpets, paints or other interior materials that can release harmful chemicals after being installed.

20.   On second exposure, the antigen and antibodies combine, causing the mast cells to release various chemicals, notably histamines, that produce allergic distress.

v. + chemical >>共 281
use 15.07%
contain 7.34%
release 3.55%
produce 3.47%
make 3.16%
find 2.84%
spray 2.68%
add 2.29%
carry 2.29%
mix 1.82%
release + n. >>共 848
detail 5.68%
name 5.61%
report 5.24%
statement 3.89%
information 3.62%
figure 3.39%
result 3.17%
hostage 3.06%
prisoner 2.84%
man 1.41%
chemical 0.23%
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