11.   If you dream of teeth falling out, a near relative will die.

12.   In at least a few places like Lutou, local officials have been moved to action by watching neighbors and relatives die.

13.   Irina Khakamada, deputy speaker of the Duma, said restoring the Soviet hymn was an insult to millions whose relatives died in Soviet purges.

14.   Most upsetting is the discovery that several relatives died in the Holocaust.

15.   Mrs. Pugach, who was an only child, said all her relatives had died years ago.

16.   Only then did Butler realize that the professor had inferred from his note that a close relative had died.

17.   Relatives die, their loss mourned in silent loneliness.

18.   Relatives were dying, she realized, and she had no idea of their stories.

19.   Relatives die.

20.   Some have returned home to find the babies whom they left behind are now toddlers, that relatives have died or that girlfriends or wives have abandoned them.

n. + die >>共 778
people 17.32%
man 4.95%
child 2.95%
soldier 2.89%
father 2.65%
mother 2.57%
woman 2.54%
person 2.45%
victim 2.07%
patient 1.87%
relative 0.20%
relative + v. >>共 538
say 15.77%
be 10.23%
have 2.17%
tell 2.07%
come 1.26%
die 1.23%
live 1.12%
want 1.09%
wait 1.09%
refuse 1.02%
每页显示:    共 35