11.   Prime Medicare reimburses medical expenses incurred for accidental bodily injury and illness or disease requiring hospitalisation or surgical treatment.

12.   Stewart wrote that all personal expenses were reimbursed and questioned the motives of those accusing him of sexual harassment.

v. + expense >>共 287
cover 10.92%
pay 10.61%
cut 6.94%
reduce 6.44%
spare 4.93%
meet 3.17%
justify 2.06%
incur 1.96%
have 1.71%
trim 1.61%
reimburse 0.60%
reimburse + n. >>共 169
state 6.07%
company 5.56%
government 5.40%
cost 4.72%
hospital 4.38%
customer 3.20%
money 2.70%
city 2.70%
country 2.36%
owner 2.19%
expense 2.02%
每页显示:    共 12