11.   But Gibbs ended the streak with a rebound and basket and Pepperdine regained the momentum.

12.   But most analysts agree that it could be weeks, if not months, before the stock market regains enough momentum to resume its powerful advance.

13.   But it will provide another chance for Kwan to regain momentum before the U.S. Nationals in January, leading into the Olympics the next month.

14.   But regaining their momentum will be difficult because of changes that made it harder for unions to grow and thrive.

15.   But now it is up to the new and relatively inexperienced management team to regain that momentum.

16.   But unless he can regain his momentum with a convincing showing in Michigan, prospects for a McCain insurgency will rapidly begin to dim.

17.   Capsized missed a week of training with a foot injury before his third-place finish last time out and could regain momentum Saturday.

18.   Converse Inc., looking to regain lost momentum, is also looking for a new chairman and chief executive.

19.   Executives at each network said the deals were significant steps in regaining momentum.

20.   For some businesses, Marr said, the difficulty in regaining momentum on the path toward TQM can be overwhelming, causing them to abandon the process.

v. + momentum >>共 224
gain 22.71%
lose 9.84%
have 6.16%
gather 4.69%
maintain 4.57%
regain 4.34%
build 4.26%
keep 2.79%
give 2.67%
pick_up 2.36%
regain + n. >>共 439
control 14.91%
consciousness 7.80%
lead 4.68%
confidence 4.42%
form 3.52%
composure 3.12%
ground 3.10%
strength 3.08%
power 2.87%
momentum 2.35%
每页显示:    共 111