11.   Scientists have recorded unusual swarming behavior by large reef fish, and have found two species of table coral never seen before at a French Frigate Shoals lagoon.

12.   While Taiwan is the largest producer of cultured reef fish, Hong Kong-based companies dominate in the wild capture fisheries.

n. + fish >>共 257
bait 4.56%
hatchery 4.18%
trophy 2.66%
sport 2.47%
aquarium 2.28%
reef 2.28%
puffer 2.28%
ocean 2.09%
water 2.09%
bottom 1.90%
reef + n. >>共 57
fish 13.04%
shark 6.52%
destruction 4.35%
formation 4.35%
site 4.35%
marker 3.26%
coral 2.17%
break 2.17%
habitat 2.17%
line 2.17%
每页显示:    共 12