11.   Faced with a huge budget deficit, instead of cutting taxes he sharply reduced spending on social programs and the CBC.

12.   Gephardt and fellow Democrats are trying to generate public opposition to proposals in the Republican-led Congress to reduce federal spending in a host of social programs.

13.   Government plans to raise the consumption tax, reduce spending on public works and keep property taxes at current levels will all hurt growth, he said.

14.   It will also allow them to reduce capital spending significantly, Mitsch said.

15.   That means the federal budget surplus will shrink faster, and that will put pressure on states to reduce spending because most of them cannot run deficits.

16.   The House decided Friday to increase military spending slightly before accounting for the effects of inflation, but to reduce domestic spending substantially.

17.   The move is the third budget cut this year, as the government tries to reduce spending to reach its deficit target.

18.   Congo is one of the highest receivers of foreign loans in West and Central Africa and has been under IMF pressure to reduce spending in exchange for further loans.

19.   Congo has been under pressure from the International Monetary Fund to reduce spending, thus the pay cuts.

20.   He said that the Government would not cut back on its social obligations, including education, health and rural development programmes following its decision to reduce spending.

v. + spend >>共 233
cut 9.02%
increase 7.07%
will 4.66%
reduce 3.76%
be 3.61%
slow 2.11%
opt 2.11%
say 2.11%
retire 1.95%
boost 1.65%
reduce + v. >>共 140
spend 9.92%
follow 4.76%
smoke 4.37%
swell 4.37%
make 2.38%
overcrowd 2.38%
scrap 2.38%
zero 1.98%
reflect 1.59%
save 1.59%
每页显示:    共 25