11.   Venezuela is reconsidering its refusal to grant the United States use its airspace for anti-narcotics flights, Vice President Isaias Rodriguez said Wednesday.

v. + refusal >>共 116
reiterate 8.88%
follow 6.51%
repeat 5.62%
reconsider 3.25%
maintain 2.96%
include 2.66%
protest 2.66%
continue 2.37%
involve 2.37%
criticize 2.37%
reconsider + n. >>共 344
decision 21.04%
position 6.57%
plan 4.47%
policy 3.16%
case 2.50%
ruling 2.43%
issue 1.78%
ban 1.58%
opposition 1.51%
law 1.51%
refusal 0.72%
每页显示:    共 11