11.   But if the U.S. troops were in Yugoslavia on a reconnaissance mission, Yugoslav forces would be justified in capturing the Americans and holding them as prisoners of war.

12.   Conceivably, such a self-propelled robot could take a few pre-flight instructions and fly itself on a reconnaissance mission.

13.   During this conflict, the U.S. military used space to conduct nearly all of its secret communications, reconnaissance missions and bombing raids.

14.   During World War II he served in the Royal Air Force, flying photographic reconnaissance missions.

15.   During World War II, he served in the Army Air Forces, flying reconnaissance missions over North Africa, Italy and Germany.

16.   During the Cold War, one or two U.S. subs were always on reconnaissance missions in the Barents Sea.

17.   Eighteen months later, those words became prophetic, when a reconnaissance mission by Degan and two other marshals turned into a wild firefight.

18.   He arrived as a search continued for a plane with five American soldiers and two Colombian military officers who had been on a counter-drug reconnaissance mission.

19.   He later went to England to train with British commandos and he participated in their reconnaissance missions into German-occupied Europe.

20.   He was wounded in the North African desert, and he won a Silver Star for a reconnaissance mission he led behind enemy lines.

n. + mission >>共 448
peace 10.99%
trade 10.48%
rescue 7.53%
observer 5.35%
shuttle 5.05%
reconnaissance 3.79%
suicide 3.21%
space 2.88%
repair 2.15%
spy 1.89%
reconnaissance + n. >>共 87
plane 21.44%
mission 15.92%
flight 15.50%
aircraft 10.30%
team 4.46%
drone 3.08%
patrol 2.23%
unit 2.23%
satellite 2.12%
photo 1.59%
每页显示:    共 149