11.   The MIT group knocked out the receptor gene from the hippocampal cells, creating mice whose cells lacked the receptor protein entirely.

12.   They then shuttle these genes into E. coli bacteria, causing the bugs to start churning out identical copies of the receptor protein in potentially limitless amounts.

13.   The recent discoveries on the role of the gene pair could lead to the development of a treatment to block the receptor protein, thereby preventing infection.

n. + protein >>共 191
soy 9.38%
prion 6.82%
rogue 4.05%
brain 3.41%
receptor 2.77%
blood 2.56%
muscle 1.92%
milk 1.92%
sperm 1.49%
cell 1.49%
receptor + n. >>共 33
gene 16.30%
protein 14.13%
molecule 9.78%
site 8.70%
antagonist 7.61%
modulator 5.43%
expression 4.35%
blocker 3.26%
complex 2.17%
blockade 2.17%
每页显示:    共 13