11.   Details of EC support received by overseas farmers and information regarding the prices paid and received for their various commodities.

12.   Although smallpox vaccine is considered safe, it can lead to serious adverse effects among those receiving it for the first time.

13.   Although the Balanced Budget Act gradually raises the stipend HMOs receive for rural counties, critics doubt that the increase will be enough.

14.   Although the show opened in April and went on to receive nominations for seven Tony Awards, it won none and quickly closed.

15.   Among the gifts Penn had received for being nominated was a cashmere sweatshirt embroidered especially for him.

16.   And county records in Utah show assessors sent him notices detailing tax breaks he received for declaring his main residence there.

17.   And one, Hani Hanjour, had violated a student visa, which he received for studying English at a college in Oakland, Calif.

18.   And now, Catholics at last, they receive for the first time the wafer and wine that the church believes has become the body and blood of Jesus.

19.   And some expressed disdain for the criticism the Clintons have received for the sleepovers.

20.   And while he said some of the criticism the Cowboys have received for their drafts is unfair, he acknowledges some mistakes.

v. + for >>共 935
work 5.21%
use 3.49%
know 3.31%
reach 3.03%
fight 2.21%
qualify 1.86%
be 1.81%
write 1.33%
close 1.07%
treat 1.03%
receive 0.16%
receive + p. >>共 82
in 31.05%
for 12.23%
at 10.35%
on 9.00%
as 4.94%
with 4.16%
during 3.98%
after 2.09%
by 2.03%
about 1.91%
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