11.   Here at the combine, they gain the chance to reaffirm their beliefs -- or create new ones.

12.   If anything, it reaffirms the belief that the cynicism was warranted.

13.   In her letter, Reno emphatically reaffirmed her belief that the law required that Elian should be returned to his father in Cuba.

14.   It is truly a joyous journey, one that reaffirms my belief that America is a special nation at a special moment in our history.

15.   Standing in Haiti at the end of March, President Clinton reaffirmed his belief in the value of well-aimed peacekeeping efforts.

16.   Officials reaffirmed their belief that Osama bin Laden, a Saudi millionaire expatriate living in Afghanistan, is one prime suspect.

17.   The appearance reaffirmed the beliefs of one couple in the audience, Luther and Margaret Williams of Hudson, N.H.

18.   The artist reaffirms his belief that in despair, sadness or misery, the potential, the possibility and the hope exists for its transcendence into something beautiful.

19.   This belief was reaffirmed by the Asean-Japan joint communique at the Asean Summit in Kuala Lumpur last December.

20.   He reaffirmed his belief in the nation state and reiterated his opposition to a federal Europe.

v. + belief >>共 340
share 5.81%
express 4.16%
have 3.73%
reinforce 3.59%
reflect 3.59%
reiterate 3.52%
confirm 2.80%
hold 2.66%
support 1.94%
reaffirm 1.79%
reaffirm + n. >>共 211
commitment 20.90%
support 12.74%
opposition 3.57%
intention 2.66%
decision 2.66%
position 2.57%
importance 2.38%
belief 2.29%
determination 2.11%
faith 1.83%
每页显示:    共 25