11.   Ashley said some sneaker-wearing students reach college age never having owned a pair of hard-soled shoes.

12.   A competent actress whose offbeat roles have kept her career on a low heat, Russell has at last reached an age that complements her challenging choices.

13.   All hope Tian Tian and Mei Xiang will mate when they reach breeding age, as early as next spring.

14.   But long before youngsters reach college age, parents play the largest role in fostering a healthy respect for alcohol in their children.

15.   By the time most consumers reach drinking age, they have already been exposed to a vast array of food, music, movies, and television programs.

16.   Children reaching college age could tap into the built-up cash value of the insurance policy by withdrawing on a tax-free basis the total of the original premium payments.

17.   Craig Price, a spokesman at Kimberly-Clark, said children will naturally reach an age where they are ready to toilet train.

18.   Dependence on the computer often increases as students reach college age, especially at the University of Dayton where every student is required to have a computer.

19.   Directors, even if they reach ripe ages, are traditionally not supposed to attain professional longevity in such a volatile racket as Hollywood.

20.   He said that he has reached an age where he sometimes wonders how he will be remembered.

v. + age >>共 191
show 8.71%
fight 8.45%
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raise 3.71%
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enter 1.66%
reveal 1.66%
reach + n. >>共 697
agreement 21.92%
settlement 3.30%
decision 2.83%
compromise 2.54%
final 2.45%
level 2.12%
accord 2.02%
conclusion 1.95%
point 1.79%
consensus 1.65%
age 0.20%
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