11.   It can contaminate raw milk, soft-ripened cheeses and ready-to-eat meats and thrives even in the refrigerator.

12.   Most cheese is made with heat-treated milk to get rid of micro-organisms like listeria monocytogenes that can survive in raw milk and cause severe illness.

13.   On top of all that, farmers have received only modest price increases for the raw milk sold by their marketing cooperatives, Associated Milk Producers and Mid-America Dairymen.

14.   Raw milk contains Shiga-making organisms and has also caused outbreaks.

15.   Such orders determine how much processors, like those who make cheese and dried milk, must pay farmers for raw milk.

16.   The basic formula price is used by dairies in determining the price they offer farmers for their raw milk.

17.   The FDA, for example, is considering a ban on cheeses made from raw milk.

18.   The Food and Drug Administration is considering new rules that either would ban or drastically limit the manufacture and import of raw milk, or unpasteurized, cheeses.

19.   The raw milk is what gives Idiazabal its buttery texture and rich nutty taste.

20.   They also advise thoroughly washing produce and avoiding raw milk and unpasteurized apple juice.

a. + milk >>共 377
powdered 9.81%
fresh 4.14%
hot 4.14%
chocolate 4.06%
warm 3.52%
remaining 2.45%
raw 2.30%
drinking 2.22%
organic 2.15%
pasteurized 2.15%
raw + n. >>共 662
sewage 5.34%
meat 4.90%
datum 3.63%
nerve 3.41%
talent 3.31%
fish 3.16%
egg 3.05%
emotion 2.51%
vegetable 2.36%
power 2.25%
milk 1.09%
每页显示:    共 30