11.   Because most of Wall Street research has sold itself to the devil, rating agencies are one of the few sources of relatively independent analysis.

12.   Both go up and down in tandem in the eyes of rating agencies.

13.   Both rating agencies have come under criticism for not being quick enough to identify problems at Enron, the bankrupt energy trading company.

14.   Both rating agencies have been criticized for not being quick enough to identify problems at Enron, the troubled energy trading company.

15.   After Enron, rating agencies have accelerated their review processes.

16.   Both are rated double-A by the major rating agencies.

17.   Brown rejected suggestions that she acted inappropriately by sharply criticizing the budget in public while at the same time responsible for convincing the rating agencies not to downgrade.

18.   But in their zeal to avert another Enron are the rating agencies terrorizing otherwise-healthy companies?

19.   But rating agencies must also acknowledge their pivotal role in helping investors to understand the risk picture at a company.

20.   But the analysts and rating agencies worry that Conseco may not be able to get a good price for its investments in the gambling boat and Tritel.

a. + agency >>共 565
federal 16.42%
state 6.93%
advertising 4.21%
international 4.10%
new 3.51%
regulatory 3.24%
independent 2.24%
the 1.74%
humanitarian 1.72%
rating 1.66%
rating + n. >>共 145
system 31.77%
agency 23.83%
company 3.85%
service 3.13%
point 2.53%
scale 2.29%
firm 1.81%
outlook 1.44%
downgrade 1.44%
change 1.44%
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