11.   A French prosecutor opened the case Monday after traces of rat poison were discovered on the outside of one can.

12.   But while Lulu opts for old-fashioned rat poison, Jojo is more clever.

13.   Donna Boley was shocked when her husband confessed to putting rat poison in her food.

14.   Four Mexico City police officers were treated in a local hospital after handling suspicious envelopes that contained a white powder that turned out to be rat poison.

15.   He probably never dreamed that when he sprinkled rat poison in her food the arsenic would take so long to kill her.

16.   Her neighbor, Kim Thi Ng, said several families in the detention camp here had stored rat poison.

17.   In an opera that allows few touches of humanity to its villains, Sergei Koptchak has a surprisingly affecting nobility as the brutish father-in-law Katerina murders with rat poison.

18.   In his confession shown in court, Jim told police that he kept the rat poison in a salt shaker.

19.   Iraqi security forces have long favored using thallium, a heavy metal compound sometimes used as a base for rat poison, against its enemies.

20.   It was supposed to be a rat poison.

n. + poison >>共 39
rat 63.20%
nerve 2.40%
fish 2.40%
slug 2.40%
blood 1.60%
food 1.60%
antisemitic 0.80%
asylum 0.80%
atmosphere 0.80%
city 0.80%
rat + n. >>共 147
poison 20.68%
population 3.66%
brain 3.40%
trap 2.62%
urine 2.62%
infestation 2.36%
hole 2.36%
study 2.36%
problem 2.09%
tail 2.09%
每页显示:    共 79