11.   Despite his bravado, Maskhadov admitted rebel ranks are thinning.

12.   Despite his bravado, Maskhadov admitted the rebel ranks were thinning.

13.   Since then, rebel ranks have thinned because of battle casualties, surrenders and factionalism.

14.   Since then, their ranks have thinned due to battle casualties, surrenders and infighting.

15.   Since then, communist ranks have thinned because of battle casualties, surrenders and factionalism.

16.   Since then, rebel ranks have thinned because of battle casualties, surrenders, factionalism and loss of popular support.

17.   Since then, their ranks have thinned due to battle casualties, surrenders and factionalism.

18.   Since then, its ranks have thinned because of battle casualties, surrenders and factionalism.

19.   Since then, its ranks have thinned by battle casualties, surrenders and factionalism.

20.   Since then, its ranks have thinned due to battle casualties, surrenders and factionalism.

n. + thin >>共 94
crowd 12.56%
hair 12.08%
rank 12.08%
injury 3.38%
traffic 3.38%
volume 2.42%
tree 1.93%
haze 1.45%
rancher 1.45%
body 0.97%
rank + v. >>共 97
be 17.63%
include 10.94%
grow 7.60%
thin 7.60%
swell 6.38%
last 4.56%
dwindle 3.04%
say 3.04%
continue 2.13%
have 1.52%
每页显示:    共 25