11.   Researchers who follow these children say their ranks are swelling and their lives are often rocky.

12.   The poll underscores the volatility among primary voters, but especially among independents, whose ranks have swollen in New Hampshire.

13.   The ranks of Protestants swell as the population ages.

14.   Their ranks are swelling every day, threatening the political fortunes of the governing Peronist Party.

15.   Throughout the Bay Area, their ranks are swelling with each passing day, geometrically increasing their capacity to bring misery to man and beast.

16.   Unemployed tech workers are a relatively new phenomenon in Atlanta, but their ranks have been swelling since the dot-com downturn started a year ago.

17.   Sure enough, several minutes later four teen-agers began throwing stones at Israeli soldiers, and their ranks quickly swelled to several dozen.

18.   Their ranks swelled and police wielding shields and batons beat them back.

19.   Their ranks quickly swelled.

20.   Their ranks swelled.

n. + swell >>共 328
crowd 3.83%
rain 3.83%
population 3.83%
number 3.69%
rank 2.77%
heart 2.11%
brain 2.11%
music 2.11%
river 2.11%
knee 1.72%
rank + v. >>共 97
be 17.63%
include 10.94%
grow 7.60%
thin 7.60%
swell 6.38%
last 4.56%
dwindle 3.04%
say 3.04%
continue 2.13%
have 1.52%
每页显示:    共 21