11.   Its ranks are growing with executives from Hasbro, Prudential, International Paper and State Farm Insurance.

12.   Mrs. Buggs-Taylor said the Writers Guild was sending a representative to the Acapulco festival primarily to establish a relationship with independent filmmakers, whose ranks were growing.

13.   Since then, their ranks have steadily grown.

14.   The cubist ranks are growing, according to surveys by the International Facility Management Association, a trade group for office planners and designers.

15.   There are, however, indications that these musical ranks have been growing.

16.   Their ranks are growing, and they are developing a well organized militia. . . .

17.   They are a sub-sub-subset of the gaming world, yet their ranks recently grew by one.

18.   They dig into impoverished neighborhoods, where their ranks grow with youths who have few choices.

19.   We need help, and our ranks are growing.

20.   While they provide no coherent alternative to Yeltsin, their ranks should grow if the situation continues to deteriorate.

n. + grow >>共 1348
economy 6.89%
company 1.77%
number 1.64%
investor 1.53%
business 1.19%
market 1.17%
population 1.14%
demand 1.05%
concern 1.04%
plant 0.95%
rank 0.16%
rank + v. >>共 97
be 17.63%
include 10.94%
grow 7.60%
thin 7.60%
swell 6.38%
last 4.56%
dwindle 3.04%
say 3.04%
continue 2.13%
have 1.52%
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