11.   This invisible icing on highways can occur when rain drops rupture and freeze upon striking the cold ground or from the freezing of melted snow.

12.   When the waves hit rain drops, hail stones or even bacteria, some waves are reflected back to the antenna.

13.   Sampras broke back in the next game as the first rain drops hit the center court at the Rochus club.

14.   World records have fallen like rain drops during the World Cup season.

15.   Choi was dragged from the debris of the store collapse that killed hundreds, after surviving ten days on rain drops.

n. + drop >>共 401
price 10.32%
air 6.33%
eye 4.20%
food 3.16%
market 3.03%
one-day 2.41%
pin 1.93%
blood 1.86%
penalty 1.72%
surprise 1.51%
rain 1.03%
rain + n. >>共 254
shower 25.63%
delay 15.85%
water 6.19%
cloud 5.06%
storm 3.58%
gear 2.44%
fall 1.76%
squall 1.59%
tire 1.25%
fell 1.19%
drop 0.85%
每页显示:    共 15